Six Springfield Republicans Leaning Toward Voting Yes On State Income Tax Increase

CHICAGO—”If all Republican members of the Illinois General Assembly oppose the state income tax hike, the Democratic-sponsored income tax increase bills will not be approved,” said Jim Tobin, President of National Taxpayers United of Illinois (NTUI).

“It’s absolutely crucial that all Republican legislators stand firm and vote No,” said Tobin. “If they do, the Democrats will not call for a vote on any state income tax increase bills, because if the Democratic Party alone raises the state income tax, they would be committing political suicide.”

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Springfield Democrats Want To Raise Illinois Corporate Income Tax To 10.9%, Making It The Highest In The Country

CHICAGO–The Illinois corporate income tax rate is not 4.8% as some politicians and media writers have erroneously reported, but actually 7.3%. While the base rate is 4.8%, a constitutional amendment passed in 1980 added another 2.5%. This additional tax was named the “personal property replacement tax,” but no matter what they call it, it’s still a statewide corporate income tax.

“Senate President John Cullerton (D) is now saying that he wants to raise the state corporate income tax rate from 4.8% to 8.4%,” said Jim Tobin, President of National Taxpayers United of Illinois (NTUI). “What Cullerton fails to mention is the added 2.5% personal property replacement tax, which would actually make the state corporate tax 10.9%.”

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Springfield GOP Key To Killing 75% State Income Tax Increase

Led by House Speaker and Chicago machine boss Michael Madigan and Gov. Patrick Quinn, Illinois Democrats are about to commit political suicide by voting for a gargantuan 75% state income tax increase. Unless the Republicans learn from their own mistakes, Illinois taxpayers will likely find themselves subject to a state income tax increase that will further damage Illinois’ depressed economy.

The largest tax increases in the history of Illinois were the work of Springfield Republicans, not Democrats, and the repercussions were profound for both the GOP and Illinois taxpayers.

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