Jim Tobin, A Friend Of Liberty (1945-2021)

Sometimes a single man or woman has to stand up for principle, just so the rest of us are reminded that principles exist. Such a man was Jim Tobin.


The so-called Build Back Better Act proposed in the House of Representatives, with its “economically costly and inefficient tax increases,” will result in reduced economic output, wages, and jobs, according to a new report by the nonpartisan Washington-based Tax Foundation.


The annual inflation rate in the U.S. edged up to a 13-year high of 5.4% in September of 2021 from 5.3% in August and above market expectations of 5.3%. What is hard for most consumers to grasp is that inflation is a hidden, insidious tax that affects everything. It affects low-income families who struggle to pay for food and services, and harms the vital middle-class needed for a stable society.

The Free Market Punishes Failure And Rewards Success

The free market punishes failure and rewards success. What can be fairer than that? Its counterpart, government bureaucracy, often does the reverse with its rules, regulations and mandates. The ups and downs in a true free market shake themselves off and allow any failures to try again. Free markets establish the value of goods and services. Conversely, bureaucratic central planners can only guess at product values. These uninformed administrators “who know what’s best for us” can only guess at product usefulness and will over-tax it.

Bureaucracy Is Expensive

Bureaucracy is the main poison in our republic.  It is self-perpetuating, freedom-robbing and very expensive. As George Washington put it; “Government….is force….it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.” America’s forefathers therefore created a Constitution that does not give authority to deal with the many costly administrative services we have become accustomed to.  Some of these federal programs include the Department of Energy, Department of Commerce, Department of Transportation, Department of Education, and many more.


ride, Tax Foundation Vice President of Federal Tax and Economic Policy, testified at the Joint Economic Committee hearing in Washington on October 6, 2021. His comments were entitled, “Building Back Better: Raising Revenue to Invest in Shared Prosperity.” He indicated there were three takeaways from the Foundations analysis of Pres. Biden’s plan: 

See Our Work Across The US


Want to get involved? JOIN our fight for liberty!

The politicians in Illinois are constantly working to raise your gas, income, property and any other tax they can think of. By donating to us you help fight tax increases and keep more of your hard earned dollars.

Give freely today so you have FREEDOM tomorrow!

Become a champion of liberty. Donate to the Taxpayers United of America today and help us increase the prosperity of our citizens and the economy.

Tax Accountability

The Taxpayer Protection Pledge is a project of Tax Accountability, the political action arm of Taxpayers United of America. In order to be considered for an endorsement, completed pledges must include both pledge and questionnaire.


Illinois Taxpayer Education Foundation (TEF) is a non-profit, charitable 501(c)(3) organization conducting research on facts, methods, and principles of taxation, government spending, and public attitudes on these subjects

TEF Foundation

TEF was founded alongside Taxpayers United of America to conduct research
and provide additional commentary regarding the most pressing tax issues of the day. More information can be found at taxpayereducation.org

Impact on Taxpayer watchdog

In 1977, Tobin led the first successful property tax strike in modern Illinois history.

In the past four decades, TUA has been victorious in defeating 423 tax-increase referenda, stopping 19 state income tax hikes, and defeating every attempt to enact a graduated state income tax in Illinois since 1992.

Tax Policy across America

TUA’s leadership and members were instrumental in repealing the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988, legislation that increased taxes on all senior citizens, which was the first time a major federal entitlement had ever been repealed.

All combined, TUA has saved local, state, and federal taxpayers more than $200 billion of their hard-earned money since 1976.

For Your Futures Freedom.

Bring the Liberty. Help Taxpayers United of America to increase Prosperity of our citizens and the economy!

Our Staff


 Jim Tobin

Founder & President

Jim Tobin founded Taxpayers United of America (TUA) in 1976, which has become one of the largest taxpayer organizations in America. He has appeared on hundreds of radio and TV programs including ABC, CBS, FOX, WGN and NBC news programs. His tax-cutting activities have been the subject of articles by major media including the Chicago Tribune, The New York Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, U.S. News and World Report, and the USA Today.


Matthew Schultz

Director of Social Media and Marketing

Matthew Schultz is Director of Social Media and Marketing of Taxpayers United of America. Matthew graduated University of Wisconsin Whitewater with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree while majoring in Marketing, and minoring in Philosophy. Matthew is a firm believer in limited government, and a strong opponent of taxes.


Val Zimnicki

Director of Outreach

Val Zimnicki is Director of Outreach for Taxpayers United of America. A political science major and former educator, Zimnicki is a longtime colleague of TUA’s founder, Jim Tobin, and has worked with the organization for most of the past twenty years.