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Nunc id purus porta, dignissim ligula sit amet, laoreet odio. Nunc dignissim venenatis dolor, eu dictum libero mollis at. Phasellus ac feugiat quam. Morbi at est ligula. Praesent ullamcorper, felis quis fermentum mollis, odio arcu hendrerit dolor, non molestie tellus mi nec ligula. Donec risus lorem, interdum imperdiet laoreet et, varius eget mauris. Sed aliquam, orci a volutpat blandit, lorem enim consequat lacus, quis facilisis est leo in arcu. Donec maximus accumsan malesuada. Nunc faucibus, erat at sollicitudin venenatis, ipsum leo mollis arcu, at maximus nisl enim ac neque. Nam sagittis quam eget aliquet pharetra. Cras malesuada sollicitudin nisl vitae gravida. Nulla tempus massa quis nibh faucibus interdum. Donec congue tempor nibh eu fringilla.
Suspendisse vitae leo dapibus, vestibulum diam ac, malesuada libero. Nunc lacinia pulvinar velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque id molestie leo. Suspendisse sed ante porttitor lectus viverra tristique. Aenean tempus velit efficitur eleifend cursus. Mauris justo diam, porta ut dapibus et, placerat at nisl. Aenean sed nulla vel felis convallis accumsan lacinia eget turpis. Donec non viverra nisl, et molestie odio. Fusce sit amet est tempus, consectetur erat id, dictum tortor. Donec dapibus hendrerit turpis, eu volutpat elit finibus quis. Suspendisse id turpis at enim pellentesque aliquet quis vel urna. Nulla ut pulvinar sem. Integer ultrices malesuada augue ut accumsan. Integer non viverra mauris.

Property Tax Assessment Appeal Seminar

Berwyn, IL– Cook County Board of Review Commissioner Dan Patlak will be holding a property tax assessment appeal seminar Tuesday, September 16, 2014, at the Berwyn Public Library for taxpayers seeking to appeal their 2014 property tax assessments.
The seminar is hosted by Jim Tobin, President of Taxpayers United of America. The hour long session will educate taxpayers on how to file a successful tax appeal and address why property taxes go up when the value of your home goes down.
The seminar includes a presentation by Commissioner Dan Patlak explaining the appeal procedure at the Board of Review. Before the end of the evening, taxpayers will have an opportunity to work with staff from the Board of Review to address their specific questions and concerns.
This event is free to the public, and there is no fee to appeal at the Board of Review. Taxpayers are asked to bring a copy of their most recent tax bill.
The seminar will be held:

Tuesday, September 16, 2014 Berwyn Public Library 2701 Harlem Avenue Berwyn, IL 60402 6:00 p.m.

Appeal forms also may be picked up at the Board of Review located at 118 N. Clark Street-Room 601 in Chicago or at the Bridgeview Office, 10200 S. 76th Ave., Room 237, Bridgeview, IL 60455.
Taxpayers may also file an appeal online by visiting the Board of Review website at www.cookcountyboardofreview.com.
The Cook County Board of Review is a quasi-judicial elected office responsible for adjudicating assessment appeals for all property in Cook County. Commissioner Dan Patlak represents the 1st District of the Board of Review, which encompasses 90% of Suburban Cook County and part of the 19th and 41st & 45th Wards of Chicago.

Senate Thug Dick Durbin In Hot Water Over IRS Scandal

CHICAGO – Senate Majority Whip Richard J. “Dick” Durbin (D) repeatedly lobbied the IRS to probe conservative groups, according to a complaint filed with the Senate Select Committee on Ethics by The Center for Competitive Politics (CCP).
According to White House correspondent Fred Lucas, Durbin violated the post-Watergate laws prohibiting the White House from using the IRS for political reasons. Now, powerful members of the U.S. Senate also are violating these laws.
“Durbin and his left-wing buddies in the Senate, Charles Shumer (D-NY) and Carl Levin (D-MI), interfered with executive branch agency proceeding, misused official resources for campaign purposes, gave at least the appearance of impropriety, and engaged in conduct that might reflect poorly on the Senate,” said Jim Tobin, President of Taxpayers United of America (TUA).
Lucas states that “In the closing weeks of the 2010 midterm election, Durbin wrote then-IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman complaining that ‘one organization whose activities appear to be inconsistent with its tax status is Crossroads GPS,’ the conservative organization affiliated with former Bush White House advisor Karl Rove.”
“Durbin’s actions may have triggered audits of conservative 501(c)(4) groups,” said Tobin. “The IRS sent letters to donors of these groups informing them that their contributions may be subject to gift taxes depending on whether the donations exceeded limits under the tax laws.”
“Sen. Dick Durbin has been in power so long he thinks he has the power of a banana-republic tyrant,” said Tobin. “It’s time Illinois voters wash their hands of this lout. It’s time for Durbin to be sent packing.”
Source: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/06/04/these-senators-could-be-in-ethics-trouble-over-the-irs-scandal/