TUA president and founder, Jim Tobin, was quoted by WCMY radio , about the recent Illinois General Assembly Retirees’ pension release.

Chicago — Taxpayers United of America says the Illinois legislature’s generous pensions have a lot do with why the state is broke. The organization announced Tuesday, its analysis of pension contributions and payouts shows the average former lawmaker has paid in less than $53,000 but will get about $1.3 million back in retirement. The organization says the General Assembly system is not about poor civil servants and fairness.
Among the local examples on the group’s list:

  • Former St. Rep. Peg Breslin who later served as an appellate court judge paid in $60,000 and gets almost twice that every year for a pension. She has received $1.2 million so far.
  • Former St. Rep. Pat Welch paid in $129,000 and has been paid $810,000 so far on his way to a projected $2.8 million.
  • Former St. Rep. Tom Walsh, now a LaSalle County Board member put in $91,000 and has received nearly $1 million so far.
  • Dennis Hastert, who went on to serve in the U.S. House including a period as the House Speaker, paid in just $19,000 to get $28,000 per year and $413,000 so far.
  • Former St. Sen. Gary Dahl paid in just under $50,000 and has received $115,000 so far.

Excerpted data from TUA’s list released Tuesday.

Illinois General Assembly retirees’ pensions as of January 27, 2016
reported by Taxpayers United of America
Projections assume life expectancy of 85 and 3% cost of living adjustment compounded annually
Name Current Annual Pension Member Contributions to Pension Fund Age at Retirement Total Pension Collected to Date Estimated Lifetime Pension Payout Employee Contribution % of Estimated Lifetime Payout
Peg M. Breslin  $ 112,754  $  60,556 56  $ 1,220,719.79  $ 3,317,816 1.8%
Patrick D. Welch  $  85,533  $ 129,138 56  $  810,456.80  $ 2,813,172 4.6%
Tom P. Walsh  $  59,099  $  91,139 55  $  994,563.35  $ 1,447,408 6.3%
J. Dennis Hastert  $  28,026  $  19,806 55  $  413,518.22  $  772,468 2.6%
Gary G. Dahl  $  24,465  $  49,965 70  $  115,274.13  $  363,819 13.7%