Springfield Tax Villains Push to Raise State Income Tax on 85% of Illinoisans

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CHICAGO—Taxpayers United of America (TUA) has released the list of Illinois state legislators who have supported one or more resolutions that seek to add an amendment to the Illinois Constitution to implement a graduated state income tax, announced Jim Tobin, TUA President.
“Led by machine bosses Gov. Patrick J. Quinn (D), House Speaker Michael J. Madigan (D), and Sen. Pres. John Cullerton (D), the tax villains on our list are making a push to raise income taxes on 85% of Illinois taxpayers,” said Tobin.
“This grab for taxpayer wealth has one purpose only: to prop up the bankrupt state government pension system that provides lavish, gold-plated pensions and benefits.”
“These tax villains are expecting 85% of taxpayers to take a huge pay cut so they and their government cronies can continue to rake in higher than average pay, earlier than average retirement, nearly iron-clad job security, multi-million dollar pensions, and deluxe taxpayer-funded health care.”
“How lavish are these pensions for retired government employees? One example is retired government high school teacher, Beverly Lopatka, who retired at the age of 56 and collects annual pension payments totaling $399,652. Over a normal lifetime, that will accumulate to a staggering estimated total pension payout of $11,524,643. The system is unsustainable and downright immoral.”
Tobin added that Illinois has over 10,000 retired government employees who receive annual pensions over $100,000.
“The graduated income tax Quinn, Cullerton and Madigan want will have its top tier as high as 11.5%. In other words, the most productive citizens and businesses that remain in the state will be punished, and those individuals and businesses that have had enough will leave Illinois for states with lower taxes. This will put Illinois into an economic death-spiral.”
“Illinois is second highest in the country in property taxes, second in unemployment, is projected by Moody’s to have the worst job growth in 2014, and, not surprisingly, has the highest number of productive residents moving out of the state.”
“The economic future of Illinois is at stake, and, as Illinois goes, so will the economic future of its citizens. The Democrat members of the state legislature, who have a majority in both houses, must be thrown from office if Illinois is to survive economically. If they remain in power, Illinois could become another Detroit, but on a much larger scale.”
“Below is the complete list of Tax Villains, all of whom are Democrats, that support the graduated income tax, and are ready to sell Illinois down the river. A downloadable copy of the list can be found here.
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Northwest Herald | Taxpayer group urges voters to reject local referenda

TUA’s work in helping Huntley and Johnsburg taxpayers oppose property-tax-increase referenda was featured in the Northwest Herald.
nwmchenryA Chicago-based taxpayer group with a national reach is working to defeat two referenda in Huntley and Johnsburg that the group’s president says enrich local bureaucrats and increase property taxes on residents.

Jim Tobin, president of Taxpayers United of America, said his group is supplying current and former members in both McHenry County towns with fliers and information meant to drum up resistance against referenda proposed by the Huntley Park District and Johnsburg District 12 on the March 18 primary ballot.
Johnsburg school officials, meanwhile, have said the criticisms levied by Taxpayers United are off base.
“They should vote against them if they want to save on property taxes,” Tobin said. “If they want property tax increases, they should vote yes to benefit the bureaucrats.”
Huntley Park District has proposed an $18.75 million construction bond referendum that would allow officials to expand district services and create a new indoor turf facility.
District 12 has proposed a referendum that would allow officials to issue up to $41 million in new bonds to finance building improvements and maintenance needs.
If voters approved both proposals, their property tax bills would remain at their current levels. Property tax bills would decrease slightly, if voters in both towns rejected the referenda and allowed existing bonds to retire.
Along with Huntley and Johnsburg, Taxpayers United is working with local members to try to defeat more than a half-dozen referendum proposals in communities across the state this primary season, Tobin said.
The fliers being distributed in Huntley and Johnsburg highlight how residents in both towns are taking home less pay and then detail how a majority of property tax dollars go to pay “lavish” salaries and pensions for park district and school district employees.
Although the referenda won’t directly go to salary and benefits, the proposals speak to public officials’ inability to live within taxpayers’ means, Tobin said.
District 12 Superintendent Dan Johnson said the criticism is off base and that the referendum would go toward improving the district’s infrastructure for students.
Under the proposal, Johnsburg taxpayers will not see property taxes increase from current levels, he said.
“Our goal is to educate our community and keep them informed and get them facts, so they can make the best decision … I know it sounds like a broken record but our emphasis is getting residents the facts,” Johnson said.
Huntley Park District officials declined comment, although they added an informative page to the district’s website on Friday that explains their referendum to residents.
Founded in 1976, Taxpayers United started as a taxpayer advocate focused on Illinois policy. The group has since expanded its membership to most Midwestern states and some coastal states.
Since forming, the group has helped defeat nearly 200 “property tax increase” referenda, Tobin said. He predicted that referenda in Huntley and Johnsburg will be defeated on March 18 if voter turnout in both towns reach the 50th percentile.
“If the fliers circulate widely, then the referendum will be defeated,” Tobin said.

Village of Rochester to Vote on Home Rule March 18

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140213_rochesterflyer-1“Rochester Village bureaucrats are hoping to strip voters of their right to vote on property tax increases by placing a Home Rule referendum on the March 18 ballot,” stated Jim Tobin, president of Taxpayers United of America (TUA).
“Rochester government bureaucrats want to raise taxes at a time when we should be cutting taxes. Home Rule is ‘Home Ruin’ because it gives unlimited taxing authority to bureaucrats who just love to recklessly spend other people’s money. Home rule always means higher taxes.”
“This is nothing more than a money grab by greedy government bureaucrats who will tax everything they can to prop up their own salaries and pensions.”
“By increasing or adding taxes to products and services in Rochester, savvy customers will go elsewhere to escape the higher taxes imposed through Home Rule. The last thing Rochester businesses need is to give customers a reason to spend money elsewhere.”
“Voters in Rochester need to vote NO to stop Home Rule and force the village government to live within its means, just like they, the taxpayers, must do.”
“Taxpayers can download a copy of our flyer at www.taxpayersunited.org and get the word out to friends and neighbors, that they have a chance to retain their right to vote on tax increases by voting NO to stop home rule in Rochester.”