Tax Accountability Endorses Gail Dunham for Mayor of Summerfield, North Carolina

James Tobin |  President

  (312) 427-5128 | (773) 354-2076


October 24, 2017

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Tax Accountability, the political action arm of Taxpayers United of America (TUA), has enthusiastically endorsed Gail Dunham for Mayor of Summerfield, North Carolina.
“I have known Gail Dunham for over 40 years, and for that entire period, she has been a champion of both taxpayers and the environment,” said Jim Tobin, President of Tax Accountability.
“As Mayor, Gail Dunham will work hard to preserve the quality of life that the rural character of Summerfield provides. Gail is concerned that developers are promoting planned developments with no density standards, no specific zoning, and with no comments allowed from the public.”
“Gail supports the low density standards that have served her community so well through its growth for over 20 years, as well as specific zoning so that residents will know what will be built in the community.”
“Gail and her husband Ken moved to Summerfield almost 15 years ago. Since moving to Summerfield, they have fallen in love with the area and look forward to calling it home forever. Gail loves the Summerfield area so much that her daughter and her family moved there as well as many family members.”
“I strongly recommend a vote for Gail Dunham for Mayor on Tuesday, November 7th. As Mayor, she will work hard to preserve the quality of life that Summerfield’s rural character provides.”

Tax Accountability is the political action arm of Taxpayers United of America

Seven of Eleven Republican Taxpayer Traitors Exposed by TUA Will Not Run Again

James Tobin |  President

  (312) 427-5128 | (773) 354-2076


October 16, 2017

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CHICAGO—Seven of eleven Republican taxpayer traitors in the Ill. General Assembly, exposed by Taxpayers United of America (TUA) in a news release dated 7/12/17, will not be running for reelection, announced Jim Tobin, TUA President.
“These taxpayer traitors listed below betrayed Illinois taxpayers by voting with Democrat House Speaker and Chicago machine boss Michael Madigan to override Gov. Bruce Rauner’s veto of the 32% state income tax increase,” said Tobin. “The Illinois General Assembly will be rid of these turncoats who betrayed their constituents.”
“Most of the $5 billion from this latest income tax increase will be funneled into the state’s government-employee pension funds, just like previous income tax increases.”
“While Illinois taxpayers are fleeing Illinois for states with lower taxes, retired government employees continue to enjoy lavish, gold-plated pensions, courtesy of Illinois taxpayers.”
Rep. Steven A. Andersson (R-65, Geneva) (won’t run again)
Rep. Terri Bryant (R-115, Mt. Vernon)
Rep. Mike Fortner (R-49, West Chicago) (won’t run again)
Rep. Norine K. Hammond (R-93, Macomb)
Rep. David Harris (R-3, Mt. Prospect) (won’t run again)
Rep. Chad Hays (R-104, Danville) (won’t run again)
Rep. Sara Wojcicki Jimenez (R-99, Springfield) (won’t run again)
Rep. Bill Mitchell (R-101, Decatur) (won’t run again)
Rep. Reginald Phillips (R-110, Charleston) (won’t run again)
Rep. Michael D. Unes (R-91, Pekin)
St. Sen. Dale A. Righter (R-55, Matoon)
Link to  Steven Anderson news release. 
Link to David Harris news release. 
Tax Traitor Steve Andersson

Cook Co. Soda Tax Would Subsidize Lavish, Gold-Plated Pensions of Retired Cook Co. Politicians and Bureaucrats

James Tobin |  President

  (312) 427-5128 | (773) 354-2076


October 10, 2017

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The Director of Outreach of Taxpayers United of America (TUA), today urged Cook County Commissioners to repeal the “soda” tax, saying most of the funds from the regressive tax would subsidize the already “lavish, gold-plated pensions” of retired county politicians and bureaucrats.
On November 10, 2016, the Cook County Board of Commissioners passed the “Cook County Sweetened Beverage Tax Ordinance.” The tax imposed is a one-cent-per-ounce on the retail sale of all sweetened beverages in Cook County.
“As of 2013, 276 Cook County pensioners were getting over $100,000 in annual pension payments,” said Val Zimnicki. “The average retirement age of these 276 retirees is only about 60, with an average estimated lifetime payout of $4.7 million.”
“I wish I could give you figures updated as of today, but the Cook County Board has been stonewalling us, and has not responded to our Freedom of Information request.”
“Cook County has some of the highest property taxes in the country and government salaries and pensions are the reason. Most of county spending is for salaries and benefits of the government employees. Furthermore, Cook County politician’s taxpayers elected have failed to reform the very system that siphons away our wealth for their own benefit.”
“Our 2013 study revealed some alarming figures.”
Click here to view the Top 200 Government Pensions as of 4/1/13 for Cook County.
Alon Winnie collected a taxpayer-funded annual pension of $330,323 and will accumulate a stunning $4,698,522
in lifetime pension payments. *”
John Barrett had an annual pension of $321,854. Having retired at only 58 years of age, he will enjoy a staggering estimated lifetime payout of $10,037,135. His contribution of the estimated lifetime payout would be only 3.8%. *
“James Stone, who retired at age 55, will collect at least $10 million in total estimated lifetime benefits.” *
“Roxanne Roberts, who retired at age 57, also will collect at least $10 million in total estimated lifetime benefits.” *
“It’s mathematically impossible to tax your way out of this problem. Illinois has more than 17,000 retirees collecting more than $100,000 pensions each year. Government pensions must be cut or the system will collapse.”
To see all 276 Cook County pensions visit our web site at
*Lifetime estimated pension payout includes 3% compounded COLA and assumes life expectancy of 85 (IRS Form 590).