Glenview–On Thursday, June 23, 2016, Jim tobin, founder and president of Taxpayers United of America (TUA), spoke before a crowd of more than sixty taxpayers in Glenview, IL to discuss the financial challenges taxpayers are currently facing in Illinois, and the chances of substantive reforms.
Organized by Lucinda Kasperson, Tobin recounted for attendees TUA’s four decades of work and activism on behalf of taxpayers across Illinois and America. He also highlighted a recent TUA report analyzing local pensions, including Glenview, and discussed how local property taxes fund the lavish benefits and retirements of former government employees.
Tobin also offered some solutions to the state’s ongoing financial crisis, which is driven by outrageous government pension liabilities.
Tobin concluded by discussing TUA’s recent 10th Annual Illinois State Pensions Report. The analysis includes both short-term and long-term policy solutions, like transitioning away from the defined benefit pension system and offering 401(k)-style plans to new government employees, and more enduring changes, like amending or repealing the Illinois Constitution’s pension-protection clause – Article XIII, Section 5 – and allowing municipalities, school districts, and other taxing districts to reorganize through Chapter 9 bankruptcy.