“Tax Freedom Day” Is an Oxymoron

CHICAGO—The just-released report from the non-partisan Tax Foundation, Washington, D.C., revealed that the U.S. as a whole has worked 109 out of 365 days to pay its total tax bill for the year.

“In a very real sense, everyone is a slave of federal, state and local tax collectors for the first 30 percent of this year,” said Jim Tobin, President of Taxpayers United of America (TUA).
“Finally, on April 19, which the Tax Foundation has christened ‘Tax Freedom Day,’ the country as a whole will have paid off its tax debts, and can start keeping its earnings for its own use.”
Tax Freedom Day is calculated by adding all federal, state, and local taxes and dividing them by the total income earned in the country.
“This year, Tax Freedom Day is three days earlier than last year, thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act signed into law by the current administration.”
In 2018, Americans will pay $3.39 trillion in federal taxes and $1.80 trillion in state and local taxes, for a total tax bill of $5.19 trillion, 30 percent of national income, according to the Tax Foundation.
“This is still an obscene chunk taken out of workers’ earnings. America will spend more on taxes in 2018 than it will on food, clothing, and housing combined,” added Tobin.
“Despite the federal income tax cuts, government at all levels is still on a spending spree. As the feds cut the taxes and fewer tax dollars make their way to the state and local coffers, state and local governments are raising taxes. The federal tax cuts will soon disappear unless spending, which is funded by borrowing and printing money, is brought under control. The value of the U.S. dollar will continue to decrease as the debt continues to increase.”
“’Tax Freedom Day’ is an oxymoron. Tax Freedom Day isn’t freedom at all; it’s a measure of how truly enslaved we are,” concluded Tobin.

TUA Rockford Home Rule Press Conference

Rockford taxpayers on Tuesday, March 20 will go to the polls to decide whether to adopt Home Rule for the City of Rockford. Concerned with rampant misinformation concerning the Home Rule referendum,  Director of Outreach Val Zimnicki for Taxpayers United of America (TUA) held a press conference providing facts on what Home Rule means for Rockford.  In his address Mr. Zimnicki spelled out the dangers of Home Rule, and treacherous nature of self serving bureaucrats.
Click here for TUA’s latest Rockford Home Rule flyer.

Local Taxpayer Takes a Stand Against Home Rule

George Bowers, an East Dundee local is taking a stand against Home Rule, the most insidious form of government in the USA.  On the March 20 Ballot, taxpayers will have an opportunity to vote for a referendum to repeal Home Rule. Under Home Rule, the East Dundee government has issued $33,000,000 in bonds without referendum. With a population of 3,182 the local municipality has burdened its citizens with $10,370 of debt per person.  Rightly frustrated, Mr. Bowers has made home made signs opposing Home Rule in East Dundee.  Meanwhile,  taxpayers led by Julie Fox  and State Representative Allen Skillicorn are distributing  anti-Home Rule flyers to homeowners and business in East Dundee.
Click here for TUA’s latest anti-Home Rule Flyer.